The system measures the maturity of the concrete and the conditions via digital sensors and calculates the real-time strength development.
Via a portal myConcrefy, (live) data can be viewed, forecasts can be made, or different scenarios can be simulated. This DST “Decision Support Tool” gives users control over the process and enables to save time and costs. Concremote promotes safety and quality, and offers a digital dossier
Concremote can also control production equipment, open casings mechanically, direct climate controls / climate control rooms and operate cooling and heating containers on location. Concremote also communicates with BIM, existing ERP systems or control modules.
In combination with other solutions form Concrefy you easily can optimize your building process on site.
- Universal sensor technology for mass concrete, mock-ups, walls and floors
- Validated real-time data with transparent reporting and database
- Accessible portal with messages when the target value is reached
- Measurements of critical extreme tension or thermal load
- Production automation (such as prefabrication), control of heating and cooling
- 24/7 real-time online information
- support departement
- Global availability, according to international standards
- Supply and connection of additional sensors and measuring equipment
With Concremote, you build safer, better, faster and with more value for money.
Interested in how Concremote supports in formwork at the buildingsite?
For the building/construction site (in situ) you have Concremote – in combination with formwork your can build faster and saver.
Visit the site of Doka -the formworkspecialist Concremote in combination with formwork