We have extensive knowledge of the construction chain and of mechanical, physical and biological degrading mechanisms of materials. Damage to products, buildings, and constructions can be caused by many factors and often times leads to safety risks of great financial and legal impact for both those involved and their environment.
This knowledge is pragmatically applied by Concrefy to provide a to-the-point investigation, including a desk study research. If needed, also preventive inspections and periodic assessments in the context of asset management are conducted, and multi-annual maintenance plans are formulated. We execute due diligence studies and assessments of the remaining (service) lifespan as well. Concrefy has also been involved in numerous legal cases as an expert judge or to provide with a second opinion.
We possess a wide variety of instruments, since the scope of an assignment determines how extensive the investigation will be carried out. For a quickscan or for hard to reach locations, we recently added a drone with a high-resolution camera to our collection.
Damage & Inspection
Damage to products, buildings, and constructions can be caused by countless factors and often times leads to safety risks of great financial and legal impact for both those involved and their environment. Concrefy is an independent international research institute contracted for its technical research into various types of damage in the built environment, utility and residential construction, infrastructure, but also industry. Preventive inspections and periodic assessments in the context of asset management are conducted, and multi-annual maintenance plans are formulated.
What Concrey offers
- Regular checks and inspections in relation to asset management.
- Research into root cause analysis.
- Dossier research.
- Damage analysis (construction errors, defective materials).
- Research into degradation mechanisms (physical, mechanical and chemical).
- Damage in emergencies (collapse, explosion, fire).
- Advice on legal problems.
- Technical analysis for insurance issues and appraisals.
- Internal and external quality control during the construction process.
- Destructive and non-destructive investigations on location.
- Materials research in the accredited Concrefy laboratories.
- Residual service life analyses of buildings and structures.
- Advice on repair methods and re-use of structures.
- Risk analyses
Forensic Engineering
Due to Concrefy’s involvement throughout the entire spectrum of (concrete) construction, no other firm is better suited to pragmatically connect material technology, concrete technology, knowledge of the building and production process, and damage analysis. Our forensics division is pre-eminently the platform where knowledge and practical insights provide a powerful support to one another. Our experts provide support from (dossier) research and analysis, to guidance and assistance during repairs.
Increased safety
- Reduce cracks
- Increase structural durability
- Prevent catastrophic premature failures
Reduced costs
- Prevent expensive cracks repair.
- Avoid downtime of structure
- Optimisation
- Increased service life
- Reduction of CO2