Contact us

You can reach us personally from Monday until Friday between 7.30 a.m. and 5 p.m

Call for general information

+31 77 850 7222

Concremote Support/Care:
+31 77 850 7220

Send us a message

Call our technical specialists

Consultancy & Laboratory (Testing)

Testing concrete:
+31 77 850 7267 (Marinka Cupka)

Testing granular materials:
+31 77 850 7247 (Bart Aben)

Testing rebar:
+31 77 850 7248 (Jeroen Nieuwold)

Testing mechanical splices:
+31 77 850 7227 (Peter Megens)

Testing asphalt:
+31 77 850 7230 (Dirk Pero)

Damage & inspection of constructions:
+31 77 850 7223 (Azee Taher)

Concrete technology consultancy for construction and prefab:
+31 77 850 7269 (Hans Rademacher)

Digital Solutions

You can find us here

Visiting address Concrefy

Concrefy B.V.,
Olivier van Noortweg 10
5928 LX Venlo
The Netherlands